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Shaanxi Sunger Road Bio-science Co., Ltd

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Amino acids fertilizer

Product name

Amino acids (¡Ý100g/l) fertilizer, Fe¡Ý0.6g/l, Zn¡Ý17g/l, B¡Ý2.5g/l


Enhancing the leaf carbon-nitrogen ratio, improving leaf photosynthetic efficiency, robust stems and leaves, improving crop stress resistance, can promote the accumulation of assimilated products, is conducive to the fullness and robustness of flower buds, and increases the single fruit weight and thousand-grain weight of food crops.

Control crop

Citrus, mango, melons and vegetables.


Strong flowers and strong fruits strengthen stress resistance, more


1. Enzymatic hydrolysis of amino acids, safe absorption, good growth;

2. Plant nourish directly, strong flowers and strong fruits and more resistant to stress, high quality;

3. Enhanced carbon-nitrogen ratio, more efficient photosynthesis, green leaves and beautiful fruits.

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