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Shaanxi Sunger Road Bio-science Co., Ltd

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    Cotton is one of the most important crops in the wold, has a very wide acreage. Cotton production refers to the production of seed cotton or lint cotton. The amount of seed cotton produced per area is the most concerned issue for every cotton grower. It determines the annual harvest and benefits of farmers.

    The No. of bolls per unit area of cotton is the main factor that constitutes the yield. The reasons for the No. of units per unit area in cotton production are various. There are mainly varieties, soil level, planting density, chemical adjustment, pests and diseases, water and fertilizer management, etc.

    We can increase the number of cotton bolls per plant and weight of single bolls to increase the yield of cotton.

    (1) During the bud period, cotton growth accelerate, hair growth, photosynthetic rate, and respiratory consumption increase. The demand for fertilizer and water increase gradually, and vegetative growth and reproductive growth progress. The purpose of using ¡°Cotton Increase Program¡± in this period is to promote multiple buds, make the tree stable, and set up a high-yield shelf.

    There are some pictures about the effects after using the Cotton Increase Program:

    (2) During the early flowering period, the vegetative growth and reproductive growth in the early flowering stage are both prosperous, and then strengthen the reproductive growth, which is the key period of yield formation and the period of most fertilizer and water. The target of using ¡°Cotton Increase Program¡± is to supplement the nutrition and regulate the nutrition operation, prevent the braches from growing, ensure the flower bolls can be fully illuminated, to prevent less bud, and ensure large bud.

    (3) 10 ~ 15 days later apply the third time after the second time. The cotton flowering period keeps long, the purpose of using ¡°Cotton Increase Program¡± is to supply the foliar nutrition, while rationally distributing nutrients, increasing the bell weight and preventing premature aging.

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