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Shaanxi Sunger Road Bio-science Co., Ltd

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    As for the apple tree, we developed a cross-year flower and fruit management plan. By using 3 times a year, the effect of the cold spring is minimized, and the rate of flower and fruit in the center is increased. It can also make the spring shoots stop early and form more short and medium fruiting branches, which can effectively promote flower bud differentiation and achieve even fruit bearing year after year. It can also effectively improve indicators such as fruit coloring and sugar, and improve apple quality.

    There are three key stages which are import to increase the yield in every year:

    ¢Ù Flowering Period: Phthalanilic acid 20% SL + amino acids fertilizer (¡Ý110g/l) + fluid B fertilizer (¡Ý150g/l);

Stimulate crops to increase resistance and minimize the effects of the cold spring; promote pollination and increase the fruit setting rate of the center flower;

    ¢ÚBefore bagging: Phthalanilic acid 20% SL + amino acids fertilizer (¡Ý100g/l) + fertilizer (K2O¡Ý260g/l, P2O5¡Ý200g/l)

Promote spring shoots to stop early and mature, to form more short and medium branches and flower buds, and to lay a good foundation for later flower bud differentiation;

    ¢ÛAfter bagging: Phthalanilic acid 20% SL + amino acids fertilizer (¡Ý100g/l) + fertilizer (K2O¡Ý260g/l, P2O5¡Ý200g/l)

    Inhibit the autumn shoots not growing, accumulate more nutrients to transport to the fruit and flower buds, is to make the flowers more robust in the coming year, and at the same time promote the accumulation of fruits and oranges, the coloring is more beautiful.
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